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Account Verification

When Discord thinks you might be a spammer or doing something naughty it will send USER_REQUIRED_ACTION_UPDATE as described below

User Required Action Update Dispatch Event

Field Type Description
required_action string type of required action. see below

Required Action Type

Name Description
REQUIRE_CAPTCHA user must complete a captcha
REQUIRE_VERIFIED_EMAIL user must verify an email
REQUIRE_VERIFIED_PHONE user must verify with a phone number

Send Phone Verification Code

POST /users/@me/phone
Returns 204 No Content on success JSON parameters:

Field Type Description
phone string phone number in format "+1234567890"


Error Description
50022 Invalid phone number

Verify Phone with Code

POST /phone-verifications/verify
Returns 400 Bad Request on bad code or 200 OK on success
JSON parameters:

Field Type Description
code string the verification code
phone string phone number in format "+1234567890"

Return object:

Field Type Description
token string token used to finalize verification

Finalize Phone Verification

POST /users/@me/phone
Returns 204 No Content on success
JSON parameters:

Field Type Description
password string account password
phone_token string token received from Verify Phone with Code