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Member Verification

Member Verification Gate and Guild Applications

Guilds with the feature MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED require new members to verify themselves
Guilds may also create forms that users submit in order to apply for access to a guild

Get Member Verification Gate

GET /guilds/{}/member-verification
The official client adds parameters with_guild=true and invite_code= but these don't seem to do anything
Returns a verfication gate info object or 204 No Content if there is no verification gate

Modify Member Verification Gate

PATCH /guilds/{}/member-verification
Request body is a partial verfication gate info object
Returns a verfication gate info object

Verification Gate Info Object

Field Type Description
description? string description of the server
form_fields? array of verification field objects list of fields
version? timestamp string timestamp representing when the verification info was last updated
enabled? bool seems to be present only in Modify Member Verification Gate

Verification Field Object

Field Type Description
field_type string type of field. see below
label string label of the field
required bool whether it is required to check the checkbox in order to submit
response bool true to indicate the terms were accepted
values array of string list of parameters for the field. see below

Verification Field Type

Name Description
TERMS "Server Rules" values is a list of a server rules
TEXT_INPUT "Short Answer" values is unknown
PARAGRAPH "Paragraph" values is unknown
MULTIPLE_CHOICE "Multiple Choice" values is unknown
VERIFICATION "Connections" values is unknown
FILE_UPLOAD Not present in code; only a translation string

Request to Join Guild

PUT /guilds/{}/requests/@me
Request body is the verification info object the user accepted
Returns 201 Created and a guild application object on success

Guild Application Object

Field Type Description
application_status string may be "STARTED", "PENDING", "REJECTED", or "APPROVED"
created_at ?timestamp string timestamp when the application was created
guild_id snowflake id of the guild being applied to
last_seen ?timestamp unknown
rejection_reason ?string reason for rejection (if rejected)
user_id snowflake id of the user who created the application
user? user object the user who created the request

Guild Join Request Create Dispatch Event

Sent when a guild join request is created such as when joining a server with a verification gate. Structure appears to be the same as Guild Join Request Update Dispatch Event

Guild Join Request Update Dispatch Event

Sent when a guild join request is updated such as when accepting rules through the verification gate

Field Type
status string see application_status above
guild_id snowflake the guild the request is from
request guild application object the new request

Guild Join Request Delete Dispatch Event

Sent when a request is deleted such as when leaving a server before completing the verification gate

Field Type
user_id snowflake user who created the request
guild_id snowflake guild the request is for