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Search Messages

Search for messages in a guild

GET /guilds/{}/messages/search

Search for messages in a DM

GET /channels/{}/messages/search

Returns search results object or a 202 Accepted with response code 110000 (Index not yet available. Try again later) if the guild/channel is not indexed

GET parameters:

Field Type Description
content string term to search for
offset? integer offset into search results
channel_id? snowflake channel to restrict search to
author_id? snowflake author to restrict search to
mentions? snowflake restrict search to mentions of given user
has? string "link", "embed", or "file"
max_id? snowflake maximum id of the search results. used for before:
min_id? snowflake minimum id of the search results. used for after:
sort_by? string relevance or timestamp
sort_order? string desc or asc
include_nsfw? boolean include NSFW results

Search Results Object

Field Type Description
analytics_id(?) string unknown
messages array of message objects messages matching search query
total_results integer