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Slash Commands

Query Application Commands

Opcode 24 is used to request the application commands in a guild. The gateway will respond with a GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_UPDATE
JSON parameters:

Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake guild to request application commands for
applications bool should the applications field be sent
nonce string unique value to differentiate responses. discord uses an incrementing number
offset int offset into list of commands
limit int max commands (discord uses 10)
application_id? ? ?


Field Type Description
nonce string nonce sent in the request
updated_at unix timestamp ?
guild_id snowflake guild the response is for
applications array of application objects all applications for which there are commands
application_commands array of ApplicationCommand with additional undocumented fields the application commands

Application Object

Field Type Description
bot user the bot managing the commands
command_count int number of commands
icon string icon hash
id snowflake id of the application. can be equal to the bot's id
name string name of the application. usually the same as the bot's username

Application Command Object

Undocumented fields for ApplicationCommand

Field Type Description
version snowflake unknown
permission array of ApplicationCommandPermissions (probably) permissions for the command